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Boomerangs From India?

by | Sat, Apr 18 2020

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Q&A with John Mackay the Creation Guy

Alex regularly interviews John on Vision180 radio. Here John has brought in some show & tell.

Q This time you have brought some show and tell, which you haven’t done in a while. So you’ve brought some boomerangs by the looks of it.

A I have indeed.

Q But one of them is not a normal boomerang.

A Well yes. The word ‘boomerang’ of course came into English when Captain Cook and the other guys explored Sydney. So we tend to think of this one here as a boomerang. Unknown to us, you find these in tombs of people like Tutankhamen. They had boomerangs as well, although the ‘boomerang’ word is actually Australian, from the Tharawal tribe near Sydney. But this one here is why I brought these in today. This one does not come back. You can see it’s got a sharp point there?

Q What is the sharp point for?

A If I was standing in the bush, holding this up and pointing it to you, I’d counsel you to run, duck, or hide real quick. Because this is a killing boomerang. It’s very heavy, and it’s designed to actually put an end to your existence. These were donated to Creation Research, and they are fascinating. The aborigines west and northwest of Ayers Rock – Uluru, as it’s now called – the Warlpiri, donated these to Creation Research for our Creation Museum, because it has a section on the history of the races. And this one here is a real interesting clue. I had one Indian official come to me one day and say: Oh, the aborigines, they’re very like the people where I come from. And having been to India now, I find it fascinating that (A), they have dingoes, (B), they have boomerangs.

Q They have dingoes and boomerangs in India!

A And of course, they have a name that’s like this one. So this one is a killing stick, and in Warlpiri – the language of the people who made these – the name for their killing stick is Kali. Killing, death. Kali in India, the goddess of death. So I’m not surprised that they have that name. So when you look, the Bible says, Noah’s three sons gave rise to all of us. You’re a descendent of Noah’s sons. The aboriginals are descended from Noah’s sons. And their wives of course. And so am I. And so are the Chinese. And so don’t be surprised that when we left Babel, and were scattered, we took remnants of the story, and each group that divided off, we took remnants from there, and took it into our next culture.

So not only did the dingoes come from India, the people come from India as well. And their DNA, even the aboriginal DNA, points back to India. And I’m sure if we had the whole big thread, we’d all point back to one place called Babel. We just haven’t done enough DNA, genome research. You know those hereditary ones that you can get done for $30 or $40.


A Free commercial there! But that’s fine. They do provide fascinating insights as to your own history. So when you have a look, the evidence of the boomerangs points directly back to Babel.

Go to, have a look at the Q and A button, and see all this for yourself.