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The Word for Today

by Bob and Debby Gass

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‘…led by the Spirit of God…’ Romans 8:14 NKJV

God will help you to be all you can be, but He will never help you to be somebody else. When you try to be somebody else, you lose yourself in the process. God wants us to fit into His plan, not yield to pressure and try to fit into someone else’s. It’s all right to be different; different is ok! Find out what you’re good at, throw yourself into it wholeheartedly and you’ll start to experience true joy. Besides, when you try to do what somebody else is good at, you generally fail, right? That’s because God hasn’t assigned you to do what they are doing, or at least not in the way they’re doing it. But that doesn’t mean you’re not good at anything. Here’s an important key: focus on your potential, not your limitations. We all have limitations and we must accept them. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just a fact of life. Actually, it’s wonderful to be different without feeling like there’s something wrong with you. Spiritually mature people know that God loves them as they are and has a purpose for their life, so they’re not threatened by the abilities and accomplishments of others. They enjoy what other people do, because they enjoy what they themselves do. Paul writes, ‘Let us not become…competitive…envying and…jealous of one another.’ (Galatians 5:26 AMP) In the end, what matters most is being able to say as Jesus said, ‘I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do.’ (John 17:4 NIV) Any time you can say that, you did it right!

SoulFood: Jer 1-3, Mark 14:66-72, Ps 144:1-8, Pr 14:1-4

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright 2011

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