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Vision Logo Circle
The Word for Today

by Bob and Debby Gass

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‘With God all things are possible.’ Matthew 19:26 NIV

The poet wrote, ‘Beware of those who stand aloof, and greet each venture with reproof. The world would stop if things were run, by those who say, “It can’t be done.”’ Refuse to let the word impossible stop you. Jesus said, ‘With God all things are possible.’ If those who’ve changed the world had left every ‘impossible’ task undone, we’d still be living in the Dark Ages. Here are four examples:

(1) German experts predicted that trains travelling at 40 km/hr would cause severe nose bleeds and the passengers would suffocate going through tunnels. American experts added that we’d need more mental institutions because people would go mad when they saw the first trains.

(2) When the YWCA first announced typing classes for women, there was a furious backlash on the grounds that the ‘female constitution would deteriorate under such strain.’

(3) Experts insisted that iron ships would never float, that the iron would wreak havoc with the compass readings.

(4) In 1797, New Jersey farmers denounced the first cast-iron plough, insisting it would poison the land and stimulate weeds.

So much for ‘experts’! More of us are persuaded into believing for too little than believing for too much. Vision is essential for survival. And a God-given vision is conceived by faith, sustained by prayer and fuelled by God’s Word. It’s not about what you can do, but what God can do with your life when it’s fully surrendered to Him. It encompasses things outside the realm of the predictable, the safe, and the expected. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ (Proverbs 29:18 KJV) If God has given you a vision; pursue it, and believe Him for great things!

SoulFood: Deut 18:9–18, Dan 2, Is 47:5–15, Acts 16:16–34

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright 2024

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