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‘Wise people are rewarded…’ Proverbs 14:24 GNT

The Bible says, ‘Wise people are rewarded.’ So keep learning. Knowledge in most major fields is exploding, and if you don’t stay up to date you’ll be left behind. Repeating the same lessons over and over means you’re not learning enough. Study those who’ve succeeded where you want to succeed, in order to know what to do and what not to do. U.S. Admiral Hyman Rickover said, ‘You have to learn from the mistakes of others; you won’t live long enough to make them all yourself.’ So: (1) Respect those with experience and expertise greater than your own. Instead of shrinking away from them, reach for them. The Bible says, ‘God has given each of you some special abilities…use them to help each other…’ (1 Peter 4:10 TLB) We all struggle in certain areas; be careful lest your insecurity be misinterpreted as arrogance. (2) Become a good listener. Don’t try to impress people by seeking to be their intellectual equal. If you find yourself in a discussion that intimidates you, ask questions, talk only about what you know, listen attentively, and the next time you meet you’ll be that much further ahead. (3) The more you prepare yourself, the more opportunities you’ll get. Don’t go to a lesson unless you’ve done your homework. When God starts taking you higher, prepare your speech, your wardrobe, and your mind. Consult a trusted friend who understands where you are, and where you need to go. If you can’t find one, read up until you grasp the basics. ‘A king rejoices in servants who know what they are doing…’ (Proverbs 14:35 TLB) The more prepared you are, the more God will open doors of opportunity for you.

SoulFood: Num 6:1-21, Mt 4:1-17, Mk 2:18-22, Lk 9:23-26

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright 2015

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