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You Are Under God’s Protection

‘He…shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.’ Psalm 91:1 NKJV What is ‘the shadow of the Almighty’? In the wilderness where Israel wandered for forty years, temperatures could get up to 50 or 55 degrees Celsius. There was no shade except what was provided by the tents in which the people lived. So they […]

Knowing God’s Voice

‘…His sheep follow him because they know his voice.’ John 10:4 NIV Here are seven occasions when knowing God’s voice is all-important: (1) Hearing from God before you entertain the ideas of others. Why? Because their ideas are not His commands. Don’t make commitments and end up bound by promises you can’t keep. You must […]

Find a Mentor. Become a Mentor.

‘…The works that I do [you] will do also…’ John 14:12 NKJV Jesus was the perfect mentor. He told His disciples, ‘The works that I do [you] will do also.’ If you want to reach the fullness of your God-given potential, ask God for the right mentors. You will always go further with a good […]

Dealing with Adversity (2)

‘…God led you through the wilderness…to prove your character…’ Deuteronomy 8:2 NLT God led the children of Israel through the wilderness: ‘to prove [their] character, and… find out whether or not [they] would obey His commandments.’ They could choose to perish there, or trust Him to bring them safely to the Promised Land. One author […]

Dealing with Adversity (1)

‘…Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy.’ James 1:2 TLB Lori Schneider is one of very few women to climb Mt. Everest – yet another step on a climb she started ten years earlier when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). Terrified, but determined to achieve her goal, she quit […]

Help for Anxiety and Depression (2)

Random thoughts may be temporarily upsetting, but they don’t produce lasting anxiety or depression.

Help for Anxiety and Depression (1)

Your stomach is in knots, you feel as though an elephant is sitting on your chest, you’ve got the jitters and your thoughts are running amok. Where can you find relief?

Relationship Based on Rules

‘Blessed are those…who walk according to the law of the Lord.’ Psalm 119:1 NIV Psalm 119, the longest psalm in the Bible, with 176 verses, is a love song to God’s law. But you’ll never understand the Psalmist’s enthusiasm about a moral code until you think about children playing near a cliff’s edge. Without a […]

Stop Condemning Yourself

‘Who is he who condemns?…’ Romans 8:34 NKJV Stop being mad at yourself because you’re still struggling in certain areas. When it comes to an area of your life that needs improvement, be concerned about it, but not consumed with it. You are always going to be working on something, so learn to separate your […]

The Importance of Habit (2)

‘…Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.’ Jeremiah 13:23 NIV The founder of one of the world’s most successful companies said, ‘The individual who wants to reach the top must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him, and hasten […]