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Look Back and Remember

‘[He] redeems your life from destruction…’ Psalm 103:4 NKJV Dr. Ann Shorb writes: ‘The key to being able to rejoice in the past is not found in counting the number of good things that have happened, but in remembering that God remembers! …He never forgets His plan and He never forsakes His promises. Even when […]

Christ’s Love for You

‘…You will understand later’ John 13:7 NCV What’s amazing about Christ’s love is not that He knows and forgives all your past sins, but that He knows and has decided to forgive your future ones too. On the eve of His crucifixion Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, saying, ‘You will understand later.’ He knew they […]

Stand Out from the Crowd (2)

‘Do not follow the crowd…’ Exodus 23:2 NIV Mark D. Roberts writes: ‘In junior high, a boy named Andrew…was the classic nerd: overweight…thick glasses…skin so white it seemed he’d never been outside. One day some of the boys began teasing Andrew and making fun of his appearance…I saw the pain in his eyes and knew […]

Stand Out from the Crowd (1)

‘Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person…’ Romans 12:2 NLT A man walking into a bank held the door open for the lady behind him. Instead of thanking him, she said, ‘You don’t have to hold the door because I’m a woman.’ Smiling, he […]

The Right Word at the Right Time

‘What you say can mean life or death’ Proverbs 18:21 NCV There’s a story about a teacher who, to honour her students, gave each a ribbon that stated, ‘Who I am makes a difference,’ and asked them to pass it along to someone who’d made a difference in their lives. One kid gave his to […]

God Will Do Whatever It Takes

‘…Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.’ Romans 5:20 NKJV Paul writes, ‘…I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.’ (Galatians 1:13 NIV) Clearly, Paul had no thoughts of becoming a Christian. As a Pharisee, he was obsessed with the law. As an intellectual, he could debate the finest minds. Articulate and […]

Building Lasting Relationships

‘…It is not good that man should be alone’ Genesis 2:18 NKJV God’s plan for your life always requires building relationships with the right people. To succeed, you must be able to recognise these people and work with them. Remember Jonathan, who loved David even at the cost of his own life? Or Ruth, who […]

Praying with the Right Mindset

‘You…do not receive, because you ask amiss’ James 4:3 NKJV Sometimes in our prayers we are ‘me’ centred and see God as a genie to be conjured up to fulfil our every wish. Then when we don’t get what we want we think He doesn’t hear, doesn’t care, or maybe doesn’t exist. James says, ‘You…do […]

William Wilberforce (2)

‘…Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.’ Mark 10:43 NIV William Wilberforce’s biographer, Eric Metaxas, points out that the abolition of the British slave trade had even greater implications: ‘We had suddenly entered a world in which we would never again ask whether it was our responsibility as a society to […]

William Wilberforce (1)

‘…Do it with the strength God provides’ 1 Peter 4:11 NIV William Wilberforce grew up as a child of privilege, attending Cambridge University. Two weeks after his twenty-first birthday he was elected to Parliament where he became a brilliant orator and politician. Then he met John Newton, author of the hymn Amazing Grace. A former […]